Sunday, April 5, 2009

So Uganda Came to Me....

This is the choir that was in San Jose: Watoto Children's Choir. They are absolutely fantastic to watch (and you can find their offical info online). I had a hard time keeping the tears out of my eyes because it felt like I was meeting long-lost family for the first time.

By way of update to the ever-pressing questiong of "WHEN?!" there have been some changes. Origianlly I needed to leave in May or wait until November....This week, however (due to some changes for the missionaries there) I found out I can now leave anytime between May and October (although ealier is still preferred).

I so much want to thank many of you who've joined me through your financial support. I can't tell you how much it means to know that I'm not alone on this journey -- you're coming with me (so to speak)!!

As far as being ready to go...well, I was ready pretty much yesterday, but I still have quite a ways to go in terms of the financial goal I need to reach to get clearance to leave.

Questions? Comments? I'd simply love to get together, chat, have coffe....anything really and tell you more about the Why's, What's, and When's of my Uganda saga.

Oh and by the way, my ministry profile just got updated on WorldVenture's website so take a look (you can also make a donation from this spot): Kacie's Ministry Profile

Until next time....

Serving the God Who Exceeds Our Expectations,


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