Monday, April 13, 2009

And now, a message from your sponsor.....

I got this message today from Catharine Coon, the director of the Hope Alive! Program and thought it might be insightful for you to read:


Hope Alive! needs Kacie here! We have almost 500 children and youth enrolled in Hope Alive!, as well as over 40 staff, most of whom live in the same tough conditions as the children they mentor. Currently, no medical program exists for Hope Alive!, not even records of students’ and staff’s past and current health situations. We don’t know who has been vaccinated, who might have sickle cell anemia or be HIV+, who is wrestling with asthma.... Our staff needs basic health training, which can then be passed on to the students, their families, and their communities. So much do (and this is only a beginning) and no one to do it! Hope Alive! needs Kacie here! Will you be part of the team that sends her out?

Catharine Coon, Executive Director, Hope Alive!


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