Saturday, March 28, 2009

An update, Video Style

My very first video, an attempt to stay culturally savvy (If you watch this and think "oh dear," I'm still taking volunteers for those who would like to be my producer in the future.

Also, correction, my blog is:, not .org (but if you're reading this, then you're already here....)

For those who got one of my letters and are wondering what is happening, where I am in this process...? A small update. The best answer for you right now is, I'm waiting, still raising funds to get my clearance to leave for Uganda. And let me tell you, waiting is not one of my gifts. However, I'm trying to learn what God has for me in this process. A very wise friend told me recently, "Remember, the journey is as valuable as the destination."

For me, this means that I may not be ready to leave in May and my departure may be delayed till later this fall. While I wouldn't have planned it like this for myself, I desire most to learn more about Who my God is during this process and how I am to live as His child.

For you, this means God may be giving you more time to jump on board with me on this journey. Now I'm not talking about stowing away in my suitcase, but pondering and asking how this might be a ministry God wants you to participate in too.

Thanks for you prayers and support. I'll keep you posted!



Charlie said...

yeah, you can't be anti-blog. :D I mean, it's 2009, it's the new telegraph...or something.

Trina Merry said...

I think you and I should shoot one of these a week.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck!