Saturday, February 13, 2010


Tomorrow, as I'm sure you're well aware, is Valentine's Day, and so a small reflection apportioned to Love. If you're single or just bitter please don't hate me or throw up. Just a short story, I promise.

Tonight my parents and I took a card and cake over to our neighbors. It is their 64th wedding anniversary tomorrow, Valentine's Day. "She" showed us the bouquet of flowers her husband had given her - a big bunch of pink and white carnations, tied with a plastic red bow in a vase. "He" shuffles about the house by necessity of a walker and too many surgeries, and "she" wears a wedding ring on a wrinkled hand that is bruised from taking daily blood thinners.

She giggled and blushed lightly as she showed us, saying "It feels like we're dating again."

Enough said.


Cheryl said...

I'm not single, but I am bitter. Sweet story

Anonymous said...

amazing stuff thanx :)