Sunday, February 28, 2010


Hi there family, friends, faithful and not-so-faithful readers....

Just a small note to tell you about the "reconstruction" I hope you will be finding on my blog.

I've had many people tell me that they read my blog but would like to hear more concrete details of what exactly it is I'm doing. I've struggled with that request simply because I myself have a hard time getting through a blog that sounds like a "Dear Diary" entry of the day.

But I want to do better. So many of you encourage me in a variety of ways and I want to improve how I communicate just what it is you are doing by supporting me.

So, here's my goal, spelled out so that maybe I'll have to be a bit more accountable to myself and to you. I'm going to try my best to offer you a better view of what it is I actually do, but hopefully in way that is easy enough to read through, and hopefully on at least a bi-monthly basis.

If you like the way my blog has been thus far, not to worry, I'm a typing-it-out-visual kind of of processor, so you'll continue to read about what I'm thinking, feeling, hearing.....

So many of you tell me that you pray for me, and that means so so much. Since you are faithful in doing that, I want to help you know how to pray, so look for a weekly picture prayer request.

I hope I can make good on these new plans and I hope you'll continue reading.

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