Friday, May 15, 2009

Help! I'm stuck in the middle of the Ocean!!

Many people I talk to want to know specifically how much more money I need before I can leave... The answer -- 50% (wow!! We're halfway!)! Here's an easy breakdown of the monthly contributions that are still needed (or refer to the super-cool video above):

3 people giving $100/month
6 people giving $50/month
10 people giving $25/month
20 people giving $10/month

I continue to be so blessed as I new people catch on to this vision and join me in this journey for Uganda.

To God be the glory!

1 comment:

So Much To See said...

Nice video. Love your heart! On twitter you mentioned needing a graphic artist - what level of skill do you need? I have moderate skill and might be able to help. My 18 year old daughter has a heart for Africa, too, and went to Burkina Faso last summer. Praying for you.