Thursday, July 15, 2010

pictorial prayer– 07.15.2010

(pictured above, the Ugandan flag flies at half-mast to honor those killed in the bomb attacks)

please pray for the country of Uganda and the capital city, Kampala, in particular. As you may have heard, last Sunday, July 11th, twin bomb attacks killed 74 people in the city as they watched the World Cup final.

please pray for the people who have lost family and friends that they would find the peace and comfort only God can bring.

please pray for the people who were in those places and survived the bomb blasts that they would be able to overcome the physical and emotional trauma of seeing such an event.

please pray for Uganda’s President Museveni, that he would have wisdom and integrity as he leads his country through this difficult time.

please pray for the safety and peace of Kampala’s citizens. Since Sunday, numerous bombs have been found around the city, including elementary schools.

please pray for Uganda as it will be hosting the African Union Summit meeting in Kampala from July 19th -27th. Again, please pray for peace in the city as many heads of State and Government will be in Uganda during this time.

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