Monday, July 5, 2010

pictorial prayer– 07.05.2010

please continue to pray for Kizito (second from the left) and his family. His older sister Winnie and younger brother Yusef also have sickle cell disease. Pray for good health for the children so they can attend school and for work for their parents so that they are able to provide the medical care and nutritious meals their children need.

praise, that I was able to spend some time with this family to help them understand this disease and its care better.

big praise, that God has provided a hematologist in the US who has agreed to be a resource for me in managing these children’s needs.

If you think this is a strange and not-very-good picture, take a second look and notice the kid wearing the red shirt on the far right…that active kid is Frank (the boy with the kidney problem), who you prayed for back in April.

His health is doing well! His mother is very happy because Frank is now playing outside with other kids and feels well enough to play soccer – big praise!

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